

Capitalizing on our advanced design, engineering, program management, urban and transportation planning, scientific and technology services.

Red high speed train cropped

Robust infrastructure establishes the backbone of productive, 经济强大的社区是商业必不可少的资产, trade, public safety and quality of life.

难怪全球各国政府都在关注老化的首页的现代化和大流行后的经济刺激. As an example, 美国5500亿美元的首页投资和就业法案中超过80%与雅各布斯的首页市场一致, 另有约12%与雅各布斯的其他市场(如能源)保持一致 & Environment and Advanced Manufacturing.

当涉及到设计可投资的首页来解决我们在世界上前所未有的城市化中面临的重大问题时, 灾难性的气候威胁以及人力和自然资源的限制, there’s no partner more capable than us – after all, Engineering News-Record just named us the No. 连续第六年入选设计公司500强.

To bring critical infrastructure programs to fruition, 我们与社区合作,加速以回报为导向的首页发展,为可持续成果提供明确的案例.

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  • 80 %+

    of the U.S. Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act is aligned to our Infrastructure market

  • 50 %+

    growth in platforms, 到2025年,商业和关键首页市场的技术和软件支持服务

Critical solutions for a brighter future


Sydney downtown traffic and aerial view of port and cityscape

Whether by air, sea, underground or even through mountains, we help our clients move people, goods and freight. Jacobs’ solutions help plan, develop, finance, design, construct, 维护和运营连接世界各地人们和社区的智能交通首页.

我们与客户合作,在航空运输模式内部和之间提供解决方案, highways, bridges, ports & maritime and rail & transit. And, 我们的隧道和地面工程专家以及交通规划人员确保我们全程参与.

Explore our transportation services


Jacobs telecommunications teammate preparing for a tower climb


We provide new site designs, 对现有站点进行升级和修改,并为包括AT在内的商业客户提供运营和维护服务&T, Verizon and T-Mobile, 以及包括情报机构在内的政府客户, DoD and state governments.

In addition, 雅各布斯可以解决光纤和同轴电缆工程和施工的架空(电线杆线)和地下电缆铺设有线电视运营商, independent phone companies and state and county governments, 以及蜂窝电话公司的蜂窝回程电路.

Explore our telecommunications services



在雅各布斯,我们认识到水连接着我们所有人,并影响着我们所有人. 我们跨越传统界限,为整个水循环开发集成和协作解决方案.

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“解决关键的首页需求是我们所做的最有价值的工作之一, 因为它对我们所服务的社区和公司产生了积极的影响, helping to resolve major issues like water, mobility, urbanization and security with smart and sustainable solutions.”

Bob Pragada

Bob Pragada

Jacobs Chief Executive Officer

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